10:00 Presentation, agenda and logistics
10:10 New approach to impact following the Key Impact Pathways
10:40 Open Science
11:10 Gender dimension
11:40 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication
12:10 “Do no significant harm” principle
12:30 End of the session
Este webinar es una continuación del celebrado el pasado 24 de marzo sobre "cómo presentar una propuesta exitosa, cuyos videos están disponibles en Youtube:
Presentation: Submission and evaluation of proposals - Proposal template, basic principles, evaluation criteria (Isabel VERGARA OGANDO, Bénédicte CHARBONNEL)
Presentation: The rules of the game - the Model Grant Agreement (Simona STAICU, Morten GYLLING-JORGENSEN, Julien DULOT, Sorin SERBAN)
Standard application form (RIA/IA)
General Model Grant Agreement
Gender Equality in Academia and Research - GEAR tool